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Cited article:

Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Industrial Engineering (ICIE 2021)

Le Tri Vinh, V. P. Koltsov and V. B. Rakitskaya
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Industrial Engineering (ICIE 2021) 625 (2022)

A Robotic Station for Manufacturing Products with Complex Geometry Using Additive Technologies

A. V. Sidorova
Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability 51 (8) 816 (2022)

Improving the Efficiency of Machine Grinding of Double Curvature Surfaces with a Profiled Flap Wheel

Tri Vinh Le, Vladimir P. Koltsov, Valentina B. Rakitskaya and Evgenia V. Tardybaeva
Key Engineering Materials 910 232 (2022)

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering (ICIE 2020)

V. P. Koltsov, V. B. Rakitskaya and E. V. Tardybaeva
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering (ICIE 2020) 1029 (2021)

Methodology for calculating the technological parameters of preventive deformation of the hardened parts of the "wall" type

А. A. Makaruk, О. V. Samoylenko, Yu. N. Ivanov, N. S. Chashchin and N. V. Minaev
Proceedings of Irkutsk State Technical University 25 (1) 8 (2021)