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Experimental investigation of fracture mechanism in organically modified silica-based coating applied on austenitic stainless steel AISI 904L under monotonic and very high cycle fatigue loading
Shirin Falakboland, Jolanta Szczurek, Justyna Krzak, Grzegorz Lesiuk and Marek Smaga Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 133 104536 (2024)
Surface conditioning in cutting and abrasive processes
Influence of microstructural defects and the surface topography on the fatigue behavior of “additively‐subtractively” manufactured specimens made of AISI 316L
B. Blinn, S. Greco, M. Smaga, M. Zimmermann, H. Hotz, D. Müller, J. Hartig, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich and T. Beck Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 52(5) 561 (2021)
High cycle fatigue behavior of high-Mn TWIP steel with different surface morphologies
Combination of cold drawing and cryogenic turning for modifying surface morphology of metastable austenitic AISI 347 steel
Hendrik Hotz, Benjamin Kirsch, Steven Becker, Ralf Müller and Jan C. Aurich Journal of Iron and Steel Research International 26(11) 1188 (2019)
Fatigue Behavior of Metastable Austenitic Stainless Steels in LCF, HCF and VHCF Regimes at Ambient and Elevated Temperatures
Marek Smaga, Annika Boemke, Tobias Daniel, Robert Skorupski, Andreas Sorich and Tilmann Beck Metals 9(6) 704 (2019)
Surface Morphology and Its Influence on Cyclic Deformation Behavior of High-Mn TWIP Steel
Bewertung der Oberflächen-morphologie kryogen gedrehter Werkstücke
Hendrik Hotz, Benjamin Kirsch, Steven Becker, Ralf Müller and Jan C. Aurich Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 113(9) 592 (2018)
Deformation induced hardening when cryogenic turning,