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An Analysis of Renewable Energy Technology Integration Investments in Malaysia Using HOMER Pro
Muhammad Aqil Afham Rahmat, Ag Sufiyan Abd Hamid, Yuanshen Lu, Muhammad Amir Aziat Ishak, Shaikh Zishan Suheel, Ahmad Fazlizan and Adnan Ibrahim Sustainability 14(20) 13684 (2022)
Recent Trends in Manufacturing and Materials Towards Industry 4.0
Tushar Kumar Das, Rakibul Islam, Md. Ebrahim Khallil, et al. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Recent Trends in Manufacturing and Materials Towards Industry 4.0 93 (2021)
A literature review and statistical analysis of photovoltaic-wind hybrid renewable system research by considering the most relevant 550 articles: An upgradable matrix literature database