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International Conference on Information Systems and Intelligent Applications

A. H. Al-Sarafi, A. H. Alias, F. M. Jakarni, H. Z. M. Shafri and Yaser Gamil
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, International Conference on Information Systems and Intelligent Applications 550 551 (2023)

Impact of poor communication on dispute occurrence in the construction industry: a preliminary exploratory study of Yemen construction industry

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International Journal of Construction Management 23 (16) 2729 (2023)

International Conference on Information Systems and Intelligent Applications

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Assessment of critical factors contributing to construction failure in Yemen

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Assessment of Cause and Effect Factors of Poor Communication in Construction Industry

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Investigating the effect of poor communication in terms of cost and time overruns in the construction industry

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Risk factors in oil and gas construction projects in developing countries: a case study

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