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Hemamalini Thillaipandian, Pathalamuthu Pitchaimuthu, Dhandapani Chandrasekaran and Giri Dev Venkateshwarapuram Rengaswami Advances in Polymer Science, Electrospun Polymeric Nanofibers 291 1 (2022)
The efficiency of PCL/HAp electrospun nanofibers in bone regeneration: a review
Behnaz Banimohamad-Shotorbani, Azizeh Rahmani Del Bakhshayesh, Ahmad Mehdipour, Seyedhosein Jarolmasjed and Hajar Shafaei Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology 45(7) 511 (2021)
Investigation of the Mechanical and Dynamic-Mechanical Properties of Electrospun Polyvinylpyrrolidone Membranes: A Design of Experiment Approach
Recent Developments in Nanofiber Fabrication and Modification for Bone Tissue Engineering
Nopphadol Udomluck, Won-Gun Koh, Dong-Jin Lim and Hansoo Park International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21(1) 99 (2019)
Mechanical and Cytocompatibility Evaluation of UHMWPE/PCL/Bioglass® Fibrous Composite for Acetabular Labrum Implant