Open Access
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 354, 2022
10th International Symposium on Occupational Health and Safety (SESAM 2021)
Article Number 00028
Number of page(s) 8
Published online 06 January 2022
  1. E. Chiuzan, Verification of the classification of the Trotuș mine within the Tg. Ocna in terms of gas emissions. (INSEMEX 1998-2020) [Google Scholar]
  2. E. Chiuzan, Establishing the regime of methane and carbon dioxide emissions in order to classify the Trotuș mine belonging to the Tg Ocna Salt Mine (INSEMEX 1990-2000) [Google Scholar]
  3. A. Matei, Verification of the classification of the Trotuș mine within the Tg. Ocna in terms of gas emissions. (INSEMEX 2017-2021) [Google Scholar]
  4. A. Matei, Establishing the regime of methane and carbon dioxide emissions in order to classify the Trotuș mine belonging to the Tg. Ocna Salt Mine (INSEMEX 2017-2021) [Google Scholar]
  5. * * * Law on safety and health at work NO. 319/2006. [Google Scholar]
  6. * * * Technical memorandum for the presentation of the Trotuș mine within the Tg.Ocna. [Google Scholar]
  7. * * * Methodological rules on the classification of mines in terms of gas emissions. [Google Scholar]

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