Open Access
MATEC Web of Conferences
Volume 166, 2018
The 2nd International Conference on Mechanical, Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering (ICMAA 2018)
Article Number 01001
Number of page(s) 5
Section Material Science and Mechanical Engineering
Published online 23 April 2018
  1. T.S Mohan kumar, S. Srinivas, M Ramachandra, K.V Mahendra and Madeva Nagaral. Effect of Fly ash and sic Particulates Addition on Mechanical Properties of Al -5wt.% Cu Alloy Composites. IOSR-JMCE. Vol12, issue4, PP 01-05, (2015) [Google Scholar]
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  7. K.V. Mahendra and K. Radhakrishna Fabrication of Al–4.5% Cu alloy with fly ash metal matrix composites and its characterization. Materials Science-Poland., vol. 25, pp. 57-68. [Google Scholar]
  8. Surendra Kumar Patel, Raman Nateriya, G. Dixit Microstructural Analysis, Microhardness and Compressive Behaviour of Dual Reinforced Particles Adc-12 Alloy Composite. International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research., Vol.1, Issue1, PP 23-34 (2015) [Google Scholar]
  9. Ramanpreet singh and Rahul Singla Tribological Characterization of Aluminium-Silicon Carbide Composite Prepared by Mechanical Alloying. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. Vol.7, No.11. (2012) [Google Scholar]
  10. Ashok Atulker, Kartikeya Tripathi and Vinod Pare Wear analysis of Aluminium Alloy for automobile piston against cast iron for cylinder liner. 12th National Conference on Machines and Mechanisms (NaCoMM-2005) PP 281-283 [Google Scholar]
  11. Vinod Kumar, Phool kumar and Surender Sharma Wear Characterization of Aluminium/Sic/Al2O3 Hybrid Metal Matrix Composite Using Taguchi Technique. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development Vol. 3 Issue 1,PP 34-40 (2014) [Google Scholar]
  12. Gaurav Mahajan, Nikhil Karve, Uday Patil, P. Kuppan and K. Venkatesan Analysis of Microstructure, Hardness and Wear of Al-SiC-TiB2 Hybrid Metal Matrix Composite. Indian Journal of Science and Technology. Vol 8(S2), PP 101-105. (2015) [Google Scholar]
  13. L.Francis Xavier and Paramasivam Suresh Wear Behavior of Aluminium Metal Matrix Composite Prepared from Industrial Waste. The Scientific World Journal, Vol. 2016, Article ID 6538345, 8 pages, (2016) [Google Scholar]
  14. Siddique Ahmed Ghias B.Vijaya Ramnath, Investigation of Tensile Property of Aluminium SiC Metal Matrix, International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Materials. Volume 766-767, PP 252-256. (2015) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  15. P.Subramaniya Reddy, R.Kesavan, and B.Vijaya Ramnath, “Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Aluminium6061-Silicon Carbide, Boron Carbide Metal Matrix Composite”, Silicon, Volume 1, PP 1-8, (2016) [Google Scholar]
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  17. Omkar Pansare, S.G.Kulkarni, S.S.Kulkarni. Statistical analysis by Taguchi method for buckling of aluminium matrix composite plate manufactured using Stir Casting, International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research, Vol. 4, Issue.7. (2015) [Google Scholar]
  18. B. Vijaya Ramnath, C.Parswajinan,C. Elanchezhian, S.V. Pragadeesh,C.Kavin,P.,R. Ramkishore, V. Sabarish, Experimental Investigation of Compression and Chemical Properties of Aluminium Nano Composite, International Journal Applied Mechanics and Materials, Volume 680, PP 7-10. (2014) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  19. B.Vijaya Ramnath, C. Elanchezhian, RM. Annamalai, S.Aravind, T. Sri Ananda Atreya, V. Vignesh, C.Subramanian, Aluminium metal matrix composites – a review, Reviews on advanced material science, Volume 38, PP 55-60. (2014) [Google Scholar]
  20. B.Vijaya Ramnath, C. Elanchezhian, M.Jaivignesh, S. Rajesh, C. Parswajinan, A. Siddique Ahmed Ghias, Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Aluminium Alloy-Alumina-Boron Carbide Metal Matrix Composites. Materials and design, Volume 58, PP 332–338. (2014) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  21. N.Radhika, R. Subramanian, S. Venkat Prasat Tribological Behaviour of Aluminium/Alumina/Graphite Hybrid Metal Matrix Composite Using Taguchi’s Techniques. Journal of Minerals & Materials Characterization & Engineering, Vol. 10, No.5, PP.427-433, (2011) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  22. Manoj Singla, D. Deepak Dwivedi, Lakhvir Singh and Vikas Chawla Development of Aluminium Based Silicon Carbide Particulate Metal Matrix Composite. Journal of Minerals & Materials Characterization & Engineering, Vol. 8, No.6, PP 455-467, (2009). ICMAA 2018 [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]

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