Open Access
MATEC Web of Conferences
Volume 60, 2016
2016 3rd International Conference on Chemical and Biological Sciences
Article Number 04005
Number of page(s) 5
Section Renewable energy and energy engineering
Published online 08 June 2016
  1. W. Czekała, J. Dach, A. Ludwiczak, A. Przybylak, P. Boniecki, K. Koszela, M. Zaborowicz, K. Przybył, D. Wojcieszak. The use of image analysis to investigate C:N ratio in the mixture of chicken manure and straw. Proc. SPIE. 9631, Seventh International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP 2015), 963117. (July 06, 2015) doi: 10.1117/12.2197041 (2015) [Google Scholar]
  2. I. Białobrzewski, M. Mikš-Krajnik, J. Dach, M. Markowski., W. Czekała, K. Głuchowska. Model of the sewage sludge-straw composting process integrating different heat generation capacities of mesophilic and thermophilic microorganisms. Waste Management 43, 72-83. DOI:10.1016/j.wasman.2015.05.036 (2015) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  3. K. Malińska, M. Zabochnicka-Świątek, J. Dach. Effects of biochar amendment on ammonia emission during composting of sewage sludge. Ecological Engineering 71, 474-478 (2014) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  4. S. Kujawa, R.J. Tomczak, T. Kluza, J. Weres, P. Boniecki. A stand for the image acquisition of composted material based on the sewage sludge. 4th International Conference on Digital Image Processing. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 8334, Article Number: 83341R, DOI: 10.1117/12.949899 (2012) [Google Scholar]
  5. J. Starzyk, W. Czekała. The Influence of Admixtures Accelerating the Pine Bark Composting Process on Variation in the Bacteriological State of Composts. Archives of Environmental Protection 40, 4, 125–135, DOI: 10.2478/aep-2014-0044 (2014) [Google Scholar]
  6. W. Czekała, K. Kozłowski, J. Dach, P. Boniecki, A. Lewicki, D. Janczak, K. Jóźwiakowski, T. Piechota. Energy Conversion from Biomass to Hydrogen and Methane. 4th International Conference on Materials Engineering for Advanced Technologies (ICMEAT) Location: London, ENGLAND Date: JUN 27-28, 2015 Pages: 654-657 (2015) [Google Scholar]
  7. W. Czekała, K. Malińska, R. Cáceres, D. Janczak, J. Dach, A. Lewicki. Co-composting of poultry manure mixtures amended with biochar – The effect of biochar on temperature and C-CO2 emission. Bioresource Technology 200, 921–927 (2016) [Google Scholar]
  8. K. Malińska, M. Zabochnicka-Świątek. Selection of bulking agents for composting of sewage sludge. Environment Protection Engineering 39, 2, 91-103 (2013) [Google Scholar]
  9. A. Piotrowska-Cyplik, Ł. Chrzanowski, P. Cyplik, J. Dach, A. Olejnik, J. Staninska, J. Czarny, A. Lewicki, R. Marecik, J. Powierska-Czarny. Composting of oiled bleaching earth: Fatty acids degradation, phytotoxicity and mutagenicity changes. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. Vol. 78, March 2013: 49-57 (2013) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  10. A. Lewicki, J. Dach, P. Boniecki, W. Czekała, K. Witaszek. The Control of Air Humidity and Temperature in Relationship with a Biowaste Composting Process. Advanced Materials Research Vol. 909 pp 455-462. DOI 10.4028/ (2014) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  11. D. Janczak, M. Marciniak, A. Lewicki, W. Czekała, K. Witaszek, P.C. Rodríguez Carmona, M. Cieślik, J. Dach. Bioreactor Internet System for Experimental Data Monitoring and Measurement, Procedia Technology 8, 209 – 214 (2013) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  12. Dach J., Koszela K., Boniecki P., Zaborowicz M., Lewicki A., Czekała W., Skwarcz J.,Wei Q. Piekarska-Boniecka H., Białobrzewski I. The use of neural modelling to estimate the methane production from slurry fermentation processes. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 56, 603–610. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2015.11.093 (2016) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  13. A. Lewicki, J. Dach, D. Janczak, W. Czekala. The experimental macro photoreactor for microalgae production, Procedia Technology 8, 622-627 (2013) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  14. A. Lewicki, P. Boniecki, J. Dach, D. Janczak, W. Czekała, Z. Zbytek, M. Cieślik. Neural Estimation of Biomethane Efficiency from Maize Silage, Maize Straw and Cattle Slurry. 4th International Conference on Materials Engineering for Advanced Technologies (ICMEAT) Location: London, ENGLAND Date: JUN 27-28, 2015. Pages: 649-653 (2015) [Google Scholar]
  15. J. Dach, W. Czekała, P. Boniecki, A. Lewicki, T. Piechota. Specialised Internet Tool for Biogas Plant Modelling and Marked Analysing. Advanced Materials Research Vol. 909 pp 305-310. 7 pkt. DOI 10.4028/ (2014) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  16. D. Zirkler, A. Peters, M. Kaupenjohann. Elemental composition of biogas residues: Variability and alteration during anaerobic digestion. Biomass and bioenergy 67, 89-98; (2014) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  17. H.I. Owamah, S.O. Dahunsi, U.S. Oranusi, M.I. Alfa. Fertilizer and sanitary quality of digestate biofertilizer from the co-digestion of food waste and human excreta. Waste Management 34, 747–752 (2014) [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  18. S. Pedrazzi, G. Allesina, T. Belló, C.A. Rinaldini, Tartarini P. Digestate as bio-fuel in domestic furnaces. Fuel Processing Technology 130, 172–178; [Google Scholar]
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  20. M.A. Bustamante, J.A. Alburquerque, A.P. Restrepo, C. Fuente, C. Paredes, R. Moral, M.P. Bernal. Co-composting of the solid fraction of anaerobic digestates, to obtain added-value materials for use in agriculture. Biomass and bioenergy 43, 26-35 (2012) [Google Scholar]
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  24. PN-Z-15011-3 :2001 - Compost from municipal solid waste. Determination of pH, organic matter content, organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. [Google Scholar]
  25. PN-81/G-04513 –“Solid fuels. Determination of gross calorifie value and calculation of net calorific value”. [Google Scholar]

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