Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 396, 2024
8th World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering - Architecture - Urban Planning Symposium (WMCAUS 2023)
Article Number | 19004 | |
Number of page(s) | 16 | |
Section | GIS-Based Modelling for Mitigation Planning | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 24 May 2024 |
Geovisor implementation for visualization of geodynamic and geomorphological properties of the subsoil: Case study Cuenca, Azuay, Ecuador
Catholic University of Cuenca, Av. Américas y Humbolt, CP. 010101, Cuenca, Ecuador
* Corresponding author:
Globally, the development of cities and the increase in their population accelerate construction processes, significantly contrasting with soil studies of the soils on which buildings are built, whose. research results advance at a slower pace than required, often resulting in the occupation of spaces without these previous studies. Mainly due to the null or limited available information is scattered across different sources, files, and formats, and searching for it is a long and difficult process that generates unproductive spaces. This leads to high vulnerability of structures to different events that modify soil behaviour. To address these limitations, the present study aims to generate a standardized database that compiles existing information and processes it so that it can be easily and quickly accessed. A geovisor (based on geographic information systems GIS) is proposed as an ideal way to geographically display on the web the collected data from the studied region (for this work: Cuenca – Azuay – Republic of Ecuador). The information for this study has a seismic focus, being the variables of interest: primary wave speed Vp, secondary Vs, soil type according to the classification of local regulations (NEC-SE-DS) and international SUCS, and soil period. It also incorporates geological and geotechnical information, and stratigraphic subsurface profiles. This constitutes the first national-level database that combines all this information in a single format, forming a great tool for professionals and the community in general in making decisions when infrastructures are emplaced. This information is presented in a geovisor designed for quick access and easy understanding, avoiding the omission of important processes in civil works.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2024
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