Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 390, 2024
3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference “Energy-Optimal Technologies, Logistic and Safety on Transport” (EOT-2023)
Article Number | 04004 | |
Number of page(s) | 5 | |
Section | Modeling and Computer Engineering, Modernization and Repair of Transport Facilities, Materials Science and Extension of the Resource of Structural Elements | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 24 January 2024 |
The influence of the structure and properties of powder heat-resistant alloys on the features of 3D printing of products from them
1 Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, 79013, Lviv, 5 Ustyianovycha St., Ukraine
2 Titan Research Institute, 69035, Zaporizhzhia, 180 Soborny ave., Ukraine
3 Ukrainian State University of Chemistry and Technology, Department of Energy, 49005, Dnipro, 8 Gagarin Avenue, Ukraine
4 Łukasiewicz Research Network, Krakow Institute of Technology, KrakowZakopiańska street 73, Poland
* Corresponding author:
Methods of fractional analysis of powders based on heat-resistant nickel alloys, electron microscopy and elemental analysis, study of bulk density of powder fractions, as well as approaches of mathematical modeling of packing density were applied in the work. Spherical powders based on heat-resistant nickel alloys of two different fractions: 50...200 μm and ≤63 μm were studied. The morphology of the surface of spherical particles of powders based on heat-resistant nickel alloys of different fractional composition, as well as their granulometric characteristics, was researched. It is shown that as the fractional composition of powder fractions decreases, their homogeneity and bulk density increase. At the same time, it was established that more finely dispersed fractions are characterized by worse fluidity indicators. According to the simulation results, the optimal fractional composition of the powder for filling the previously specified volume was determined. It is shown that as the size of the investigated particles decreases, their packing density increases.
Key words: Powders / nickel alloys / chrome-nickel alloys / particle size characteristics / polydispersity / bulk density / packing density
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2024
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