Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 390, 2024
3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference “Energy-Optimal Technologies, Logistic and Safety on Transport” (EOT-2023)
Article Number | 01010 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
Section | Energy-Efficient Technologies, Energy Management and Energy Efficiency in Transport | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 24 January 2024 |
Research of the potential opportunities of crowdshipping: The case study of Ukraine and the Czech Republic
1 University of Pardubice, Department of Transport Management, Marketing and Logistics, 53210 Pardubice, Studentska Str., 95, Czech Republic
2 Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Transport Technologies, 79022 Lviv, S. Bandery Str., 12, Ukraine
* Corresponding author:
Urbanization and the growth of e-commerce are the main factors behind the growth of last-mile delivery volumes. Crowdshipping using the public transport system is one of the relatively new scenarios for the organization of such delivery. This solution has good potential to meet consumer demands for fast delivery while simultaneously minimizing the negative externalities of urban freight transportation, which is the basis of the sustainability of the urban freight transport system. An important condition for understanding the development of crowdshipping using the public transport system and the formation of certain practical recommendations for the effective functioning of such delivery is the study of the opinion of potential users and crowdshippers. Analysis of available literary sources allows us to assert that the potential of crowdshipping delivery depends on specific urban planning conditions and characteristics of the population. Studying the opinions of respondents from Ukraine and the Czech Republic will allow us to gain new knowledge about the attitude of residents of cities that differ in size and characteristics of the public transport system to the possibilities of crowdshipping.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2024
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