Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 358, 2022
3rd International Symposium on Mechanics, Structures and Materials Science (MSMS 2022)
Article Number | 01067 | |
Number of page(s) | 10 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 19 May 2022 |
Research on the influence of the geometric characteristics of surrounding rock fractures on the macroscopic mechanical properties of rock-like materials based on PFC
Shandong Normal University, Jinan, China
The surrounding rock of coal mining face often contains numerous micro-cracks, and these microcracks greatly restrict the mechanical strength of the rock. Mechanical properties of rock degraded by joints and fissures in rock,, taking the Mesozoic three-stream pluton granite in Dandong City, Liaodong uplift area as an example,, establish a particle flow model and use the "trial and error method" to repeatedly calibrate the microscopic parameters until they are consistent with the actual situation,, uniaxial compression tests were performed on rock masses with different fissures, and 16 orthogonal discrete element numerical simulation experiments with 4 factors and 4 levels were carried out. Based on multiple linear regression analysis, the influence of four factors on the mechanical properties of granite was analysed, and the influence of single factor on the macro-mechanical properties of granite was studied through numerical experiments. The results show that the effect of the crack geometry on the peak strength of granite is greater than the effect on the elastic modulus of granite; The order of the influence degree of the crack geometric characteristic parameters on the peak strength is the crack Y-axis position component > the crack X-axis position component > the crack length > the crack inclination angle; The order of the influence degree of the crack geometric characteristic parameters on the elastic modulus is the crack X-axis position component > the crack Y-axis position component > the crack length > the crack inclination angle; The crack initiation position gradually moves to both ends of the crack as the angle increases. The specimen is mainly dominated by tension cracks, and the crack tip is accompanied by local shear failure; The longer the crack length, the lower the peak strength of the granite, and the worse the stability; The positional change of primary microcracks in granite mainly changes the peak strength and post-peak stress-strain state of the rock sample, but has no significant effect on the elastic modulus. The research results have certain reference value for predicting the mechanical properties of fractured granite.
Key words: Rock mechanics / Particle flow / Microfractures / Peak strength
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2022
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