Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 354, 2022
10th International Symposium on Occupational Health and Safety (SESAM 2021)
Article Number | 00068 | |
Number of page(s) | 10 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 06 January 2022 |
Research on possibilities for monitoring stability of adjacent slopes to transport routes
University of Petrosani, 20 University Street, 332006, Petrosani, Romania
* Corresponding author:
Development of human society also implies modernization, respectively extension a road and railway transport structures. From this perspective, in order to achieve performance in the field of traffic safety, actions are also required to monitor the slopes, tailings dumps (active or greened) adjacent to transport routes where there are uncertainties regarding their stability. Ignoring stability and landslides can lead to loss of life, as well as significant material damage. Thus, the paper mainly addresses the issue of monitoring the slopes adjacent to road and rail transport routes where there are uncertainties regarding the control of landslides, as well as possibility of alerting before this occurs. From the multitude of possible solutions to be applied in the field, an equipment was developed and realized, which was experienced in real working conditions, and the results confirm validity of assumptions and certify the operation.
© The authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2022
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