Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 337, 2021
PanAm-Unsat 2021: 3rd Pan-American Conference on Unsaturated Soils
Article Number | 03020 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Slopes, Embankments, Roads, and Foundations | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 26 April 2021 |
Probabilistic geotechnical designs in rural road infrastructure in Costa Rica
1 LabUnsat, Civil Engineering Department, University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica
2 Construction Engineering, Costa Rica Institute of Technology, Costa Rica
* Corresponding author:
Rural road infrastructure normally lacks information to perform rigorous geotechnical designs, due especially, to budgeting restrictions. Three different transportation projects in rural areas in Costa Rica are presented, where a probabilistic approach was followed. The statistical parameters selected from previous research can be used as local literature values to perform probabilistic geotechnical designs and analyses when there is not enough data to execute a statistical analysis in a project. Moreover, these values could be used to better understand values obtained from geotechnical site exploration and possible regional tendencies. It is possible to conduct probabilistic geotechnical design even when a project does not include a throughout site exploration, like in low-budget projects. Probabilistic design for rural road projects can be a useful tool in the pursuit of optimal and efficient designs where soil behavior is better understood.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021
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