Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 336, 2021
2020 2nd International Conference on Computer Science Communication and Network Security (CSCNS2020)
Article Number | 09030 | |
Number of page(s) | 8 | |
Section | Computer-Aided Advanced System and Management | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 February 2021 |
Value perception impact and countermeasures analysis of new energy vehicle purchase behavior based on consumer level user review big data mining
1 School of computer, Wuhan University of Technology, China
2 Wuhan University of Technology, China
* Corresponding author:
The development of new energy vehicles is inseparable from the drive of consumers. Therefore, to explore the influencing factors of purchase behavior from the consumer's personal level is helpful for businesses to adopt corresponding sales strategies and the government to adopt relevant policies. Based on the individual level of consumers, this paper constructs a new energy vehicle purchase behavior prediction model from the review text, and explores the predictive effect of consumer personal factors on the purchase behavior of new energy vehicles. First of all, this paper proposes a quantitative method of consumer individual level factors, which combines word-of-mouth reviews with statistics. In this method, word2vec is used to train word vectors in word-of-mouth corpus to mine initial keywords, and core keywords are selected through statistical correlation analysis. Secondly, based on the core keywords of consumers' personal level, the gbdt model is constructed to predict the purchase behavior of new energy vehicles. The results show that the probability of correctly predicting consumers' purchase behavior is more than 72%.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021
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