Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 307, 2020
International Conference on Materials & Energy (ICOME’17 and ICOME’18)
Article Number | 01051 | |
Number of page(s) | 5 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 10 February 2020 |
Study of air movement and temperature distribution in a greenhouse used as a dryer
Laboratoire d’Energétique Appliquée (LEA), Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique (ESP), Université Cheikh Anta Diop
* Corresponding author:
Sun drying is the oldest way to preserve but also to valorize and store surplus agricultural production. Nowadays, several types of dryers have been developed, but the solar greenhouse dryer is an ideal solution in our tropical countries because of its implicit and higher load capacity. The greenhouse climate depends on several factors, namely the outdoor climatic conditions (air temperature, wind speed, radiation, etc.) but also on the type of materials used to cover the greenhouse. The study was carried out on a parabolic greenhouse covered by a polyethylene film with a concrete base (absorber) which in turn is placed on the ground and will be tested under the climatic conditions of Dakar, Senegal. It is in this context of sustainable development that this work is carried out. The goal is to determine the distribution of temperatures and wind speeds in the greenhouse. The simulation was carried out using the three-dimensional computer fluid dynamics software (CFD). The turbulence method (k-ε) was used and to solve the radiation transfer equation (RTE) we introduce the discrete ordered method DO. We also add the “Solar Load Model” which gives the position of the sun and its radiations in relation to the layout of the greenhouse according to the date and time of the simulation. The simulation is carried out in a closed greenhouse and the results found can be used to improve the design and control of the greenhouse climate. Air temperatures and velocities simulation give an average of 325.95 K and 0.114 m/s respectively.
Key words: Solar dryer / CFD simulation / DO / temperature and air velocity field
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020
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