Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 273, 2019
International Cross-industry Safety Conference (ICSC) - European STAMP Workshop & Conference (ESWC) (ICSC-ESWC 2018)
Article Number | 01004 | |
Number of page(s) | 15 | |
Section | International Cross-industry Safety Conference | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 22 February 2019 |
Design, Implementation and Perceptions of Safety Culture Prerequisites
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
Netherlands Aerospace Centre, The Netherlands
* Corresponding author: +31(0)621156287,,
In the frame of an on-going 4-years research project, the Aviation Academy Safety Culture Prerequisites (AVAC-SCP) metric was developed to assess whether an organisation plans and implements activities that correspond to prerequisites for fostering a positive safety culture. The metric was designed based on an inclusive theoretical framework stemmed from academic and professional literature and in cooperation with knowledge experts and aviation companies. The goal of the AVAC-SCP is to evaluate three aspects, namely (1) the extent to which the prerequisites are designed/documented, (2) the degree of the prerequisites’ implementation, and (3) the perceptions of the employees regarding the organizational safety culture as a proxy for the effectiveness of the prerequisites’ implementation. The prerequisites have been grouped into six categories (common prerequisites and just, flexible, reporting, information and learning cultures) and the metric concludes with scores per aspect and category. The results from surveys at 16 aviation companies showed that these companies had adequately included most of the Safety Culture Prerequisites (SCP) in their documentation where Just culture plans scored the lowest and Reporting culture plans were found with the highest percentage of planning. The level of SCP implementation was the same high as the organisational plans and quite uniform across the companies and sub-cultures. The perceptions were at the same overall level with implementation, but employees perceived the organisational environment as less fair and more flexible than managers claimed. Although the study described in this report was exploratory and not explanatory, we believe that the results presented in combination with the ones communicated to the participating companies can trigger the latter to investigate further their weaker areas and foster their activities related to Safety Culture Prerequisites. Also, the AVAC-SCP metric is deemed useful to organisations that want to self-assess their SCP levels and proceed to comparisons amongst various functions and levels and/or over time.
Key words: Safety Culture / Safety Culture Prerequisites / Safety Culture Planning / Safety Culture Implementation
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2019
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