Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 258, 2019
International Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering Structures and Construction Materials (SCESCM 2018)
Article Number | 05001 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Structures in Severe Environment, Structural Analysis | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 25 January 2019 |
An Analysis of elastic and inelastic lateral torsional buckling of web-tapered I beams using the finite element method
1 Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Civil Engineering Department, Bandung, Indonesia
2 Waskita Karya, Jakarta, Indonesia
* Corresponding author:
Elastic and inelastic lateral torsional buckling of simply web tapered I beam is studied using the finite element method. The length of the beams is 8000 mm for elastic lateral torsional buckling and 4000 mm for inelastic lateral torsional buckling. The depth of cross section at one end is 500 mm and at the other end it is varied. The thickness of the flange is 16 mm and the thickness of the web is 10 mm. The section of the beams is compact. The beams are loaded by end moments. The ratio of end moments at one end and the moments at the other end are varied. The beams are assumed to have geometric imperfection and the distribution of imperfection follows the shape of the first buckling mode of elastic lateral torsional buckling of the beam. The amplitude of the imperfection is taken one milimeter at the top flange in lateral direction. The load is increased until the beams collapse. The ultimate load is considered as the critical moments of the beams. The results of the analysis are compared to nominal lateral torsional buckling moments using the method presented in the AISC Design Guide 25 (Design Guide for web tapered members). It can be concluded that usually the critical moments of the collapse analysis are close to the critical moments of the design guide. But sometimes it is less than the design guide and it means design guide is sometimes is not on the safe side.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2019
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