Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 230, 2018
7th International Scientific Conference “Reliability and Durability of Railway Transport Engineering Structures and Buildings” (Transbud-2018)
Article Number | 01013 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
Section | Railways, Subways and Industrial Transport | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 16 November 2018 |
Reused rails for underground systems
Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Feierbakh Square 7, 61050, Kharkiv, Ukraine
National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine, Defenders of Ukraine sq. 3, 61001, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Utility Company “Harkovvodokanal”, st. Kontorskaya, 90, Kharkiv, Ukraine
* Corresponding author:
The structural components of the rail track, including rails, deteriorate in operation. However, some of them retain their operational characteristics and can be reused. This practice has found wide application on Ukrainian railways and shown a lot of self-evident advantages, among which the basic one is a rational use of material and technical means. Besides, development of a used rail system for underground railways may also optimize the track facility system for such specific conditions. The article presents results of the research into the change of the crumbling depth on the roll surface (the main rail defects of underground railways); it allowed the authors to conclude about the possibility to reuse rails for underground systems. Moreover, assessment of interacting forces in the wheel/rail system and the crumbling volume made it possible to determine rational application for used rails. The proposed system takes into account all the features of operating the railway track in underground systems, and also allows more efficient use of the residual rail resource without reducing the necessary level of traffic safety.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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