Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 229, 2018
International Conference on Disaster Management (ICDM 2018)
Article Number | 02019 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Strengthening Sustainbility Development | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 14 November 2018 |
Pollution control in coastal area through Indonesian coastal education concept
Geography Education, Indonesia Education University, Jl. Setiabudi No. 229, 40154, Indonesia
* Corresponding author:
Litter becomes one serious threat for the coastal area in Indonesia. Those litters are derived from various anthropogenic activities and various land uses. Indonesia is declared as the biggest second country after China in contributing marine debris in 2015. But marine debris in Indonesia, not all derived from the domestic product. In the coastal area of Aceh province, there are marine debris which derived from foreign countries. One right way to overcome the pollution in the coastal area is by incorporating Marine education into the educational curriculum. In anticipating the effect of destruction in the marine environment, Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fishery has launched a coastal education model namely Indonesian Coastal Education. The aim of this study is (1) to identify the types of pollution in the coastal area, (2) to arrange the steps of observation, and (3) to arrange the action plan of Indonesian Coastal Education (ICE) in overcoming pollution in the coastal area. This study uses literature study by searching the reference of theories which are relevant to the case or problem of litter/waste pollution in the coastal area. By applying 4A learning method in ICE, students can directly understand the problem occurs in their area, particularly related to litter pollution in the beach. The concept of the study is, students of ICE are expected to be able to arrange an action plan based on the result of observation and analysis.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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