Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 216, 2018
X International Scientific and Technical Conference “Polytransport Systems”
Article Number | 01016 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Infrastructure Projects and Transport Infrastructure Facilities | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 17 October 2018 |
Road surface quality as the basis of safe operation of transport systems
Kurgan State Agricultural Academy by T.S. Maltsev, 641000 Kurgan, Russia
Kurgan State University, 641000 Kurgan, Russia
Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University, 196661 Saint-Petersburg, Pushkin, Russia
* Corresponding author:
The safe functioning of the transport system mainly depends on the quality of road surfaces. Therefore, improvement of the physical and mechanical characteristics of roads will ensure the effective protection of health and safety of people engaged in this field. Consequently, modification of the physical and mechanical characteristics of road surfaces will ensure safety in the field of transport systems. Bitumen-salt mass was used as a modifier of the road bitumen emulsions and such a mass was obtained by means of destructing the chemical weapons of the organophosphorus class of compounds since they have an effect of surface-active substances. Studying of the modified road surface parameters was carried out according to the dispersion parameters and using the method of mathematical design of the experiment. As a result, the positive effect of the bitumen-salt mass on the dispersion distribution of the bitumen phase in the bitumen emulsion was determined. The proposed method of modification of the bitumen emulsions allowed us to improve the operational parameters of the road surfaces, and thus the safety of road transport systems as a whole.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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