Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 215, 2018
The 2nd International Conference on Technology, Innovation, Society and Science-to-Business (ICTIS 2018)
Article Number | 01035 | |
Number of page(s) | 5 | |
Section | Emerging Technologies and Applied Science | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 16 October 2018 |
Seismic Performance of Existing R/C Building with Irregular Floor Plan Shape
Civil Engineering Department, Padang Institute of Technology, Padang, Indonesia
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Bu33333333ilding with irregular floor plan has the eccentricity of force to the centre of building isappears to be more susceptible to deformation and damage when subjected to earthquake movements than with regular floor plan. This study aims to determine the seismic performance of buildings with the irregular floor plan in displacement and drift by service and ultimate performance limit.The object of research is Padang Pariaman public works office building. The evaluation method used non-linear static analysis(Pushover) which is one method to evaluate the seismic performance of the building.Pushover analysis performed by providing a static load in the lateral direction gradually to achieve a specific displacement target. This research is based on SNI-1726-2012, ATC-40 and FEMA 356. The results of the analysis show that the maximum lateral force of 10909.9 kN occurs in step-6 pushover analysis with a displacement of 0.165 m, maximum drift = 0.0705 m and maximum in-elastic drift = 0.025 m.This means the building is included in the IO (Immediate Occupancy) performance level. Although there is damage from small to medium level, still has a big threshold against the collapse, which means the building is safe against the earthquake.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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