Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 212, 2018
2018 International Scientific Conference “Investment, Construction, Real Estate: New Technologies and Special-Purpose Development Priorities” (ICRE 2018)
Article Number | 10001 | |
Number of page(s) | 8 | |
Section | Social and Humanitarian Aspects of Regional Development | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 October 2018 |
Transformational leadership as a factor in the success of knowledge-intensive companies
Federal Research Center of Agrarian Economy and Social Development of Rural Areas – All Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, 123007, Khoroshevskoye shosse, 35k2, Moscow, Russia
Altai State University, 656049, Lenin ave., 61, Barnaul, Russia
Ural State University of Economics, 629144, 8 Marta str., Ekaterinburg, Russia
Volgograd State Technical University, 400006, Degtyareva str., 2, Volgograd, Russia
* Corresponding author:
The paper analyzes general trends in the development of the knowledge economy and knowledge-intensive companies worldwide and in Russia particularly. First, we consider the distinctive features of the knowledge economy, such as the transformation of the labor process and the changing nature of the workforce, which largely affect the behavior of knowledge-intensive companies, whose sole business is innovation, and require new forms of leadership. Second, we analyze how transformational leadership affects creativeness and innovations in the knowledge-intensive companies on the basis of the recent scholarly research. Third, we argue that the transformational leadership style is most appropriate for the knowledge-intensive companies mainly due to its orientation on continuous development for the individual employees and the company as a whole. We conclude with key insights on the use of transformational leadership in the knowledge-intensive companies in Russia and worldwide.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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