Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 197, 2018
The 3rd Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2018)
Article Number | 11007 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Electrical Engineering | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 12 September 2018 |
Design and building motion capture system using transducer Microsoft kinect to control robot humanoid
Politeknik Manufaktur Bandung, Teknik Otomasi Manufaktur dan Mekatronika, Jl. Kanayakan 21, Bandung, Indonesia
* Corresponding author:
Currently the development of robots has reached a high level of complexity. However, it is also accompanied by increasing complexity problems in its control. Some control with the image processing method also requires competent operators, at least memorize each command used. Therefore, to reduce the complexity in its control, in this research robot control, especially humanoid robot is made using motion capture method. Motion capture is a control technique using a camera transducer in the form of Microsoft Kinect, to obtain the coordinate skeleton of the joint user. Furthermore the data is processed in Visual Studio software to obtain the angular information that will be formed by the robot. So that the robot can perform the same movement with the user. The information is transmitted wirelessly to the microcontroller contained on the robot in real-time. The results of research showed that the system can translate the user's movement into information movement of humanoid robot. With an average skeleton vector detection error of 1.69 cm, an average response time of 1.3 seconds and an absolute error average position of the end effector on the x axis of 3.2 cm and on the y-axis of 1.28 cm.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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