Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 173, 2018
2018 International Conference on Smart Materials, Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation (SMIMA 2018)
Article Number | 02024 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Automation and Nontraditional Manufacturing | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 19 June 2018 |
Split Antenna Array in Millimeter Wave for Secure Vehicular Communication
School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Beihang University Beijing, China
* Corresponding author :
The small carrier wavelength at millimeter wave (mm-wave) frequencies features a large number of co-located antennas. Wireless networks with directional antennas using beamforming at mm-wave also have potential to provide an enhanced security in the vehicular communication system. Large bandwidth of mm-wave can provide auto drive and safety linked functionalities, However, safety and efficiency of the vehicular transportation system can be jeopardized by many kinds of attacks by eavesdroppers, physical layer security can work as an extra layer of security for wireless communication systems. To secure communication in-between Vehicles, an Analog precoding based physical Layer technique for mm-wave vehicular communication systems is presented in the paper. The proposed technique works by exploiting large Antenna arrays at millimeter waves and provide a secure directional transmission with low power consuming phase shifters and single Radio Frequency Chain. Larger antennas arrays are split into two subsets, one for transmission of data and another for generating noise. The proposed technique offers improved coherent transmission at the legitimate receiver and by introducing artificial noise to the eavesdroppers at random directions. This outcome in low SNR for the eavesdroppers, hence hacking information becomes extremely difficult. Numerical and Simulation results show the superior performance of the proposed technique compared to traditional physical layer security technique and conventional array technique.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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