Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 165, 2018
12th International Fatigue Congress (FATIGUE 2018)
Article Number | 17004 | |
Number of page(s) | 9 | |
Section | New Trends for Fatigue Design of Structures (SF2M) | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 25 May 2018 |
Rapid estimation of notch stress intensity factors in 3D large-scale welded structures using the peak stress method
University of Padova, Department of Industrial Engineering, 35131 Padova, Italy
* Corresponding author:
The Peak Stress Method (PSM) is an engineering, FE-oriented application of the notch stress intensity factor (NSIF) approach to fatigue design of welded joints, which takes advantage of the singular linear elastic peak stresses from FE analyses with coarse meshes. Originally, the PSM was calibrated to rapidly estimate the NSIFs by using 3D, eight-node brick elements, taking advantage of the submodeling technique. 3D modelling of large-scale structures is increasingly adopted in industrial applications, thanks to the growing spread of high-performance computing (HPC). Based on this trend, the application of PSM by means of 3D models should possibly be even more speeded up. To do this, in the present contribution the PSM has been calibrated under mode I, II and III loadings by using ten-node tetra elements, which are able to directly discretize complex 3D geometries without the need for submodels. The calibration of the PSM has been carried out by analysing several 3D mode I, II and III problems. Afterwards, an applicative example has been considered, which is relevant to a large-scale steel welded structure, having overall size on the order of meters. Two 3D FE models, having global size of tetra elements equal to 5 and 1.66 mm, have been solved by taking advantage of HPC, being the global number of degrees of freedom equal to 10 and 140 millions, respectively. The NSIFs values estimated at the toe and root sides according to the PSM have been compared with those calculated by adopting a shell-to-solid technique.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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