Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 165, 2018
12th International Fatigue Congress (FATIGUE 2018)
Article Number | 13008 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Growth of Short and Long Cracks - Crack Growth Thresholds | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 25 May 2018 |
The coupled criterion for description of fatigue fracture. Material embrittlement in pre-fracture zone
Lavrentyev Insti subareas tute of Hydrodynamics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
* Corresponding author:
Step-wise extension of a crack in quasi-brittle materials under low-cycle loading conditions is considered. Both steady and unsteady loadings in pulsating loading mode are studied. It is proposed to use quasi-brittle fracture diagrams for bodies under cyclic loading conditions. When diagrams are plotted, both necessary and sufficient fracture criteria by Neuber-Novozhilov are used. A specific implementation is made on the base of the Leonov-Panasyuk-Dugdale model for the mode I cracks when the pre-fracture zone width coincides with the plasticity zone width near the crack tip. The condition of a step-wise crack tip extension has been derived. A crack extends only in the embrittled material of the pre-fracture zone. The number of cycles between jumps of the crack tip is calculated by the Coffin equation, when damage accumulation in material in the pre-fracture zone is taken into account. Critical fracture parameters under low-cyclic loading conditions have been obtained in a closed form. Estimates of the average rate of crack tip advance for a loading cycle at step-wise crack extension and S − N curves have been obtained.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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