Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 164, 2018
The 3rd International Conference on Electrical Systems, Technology and Information (ICESTI 2017)
Article Number | 01011 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 23 April 2018 |
Geometric Development of Point Absorber Wave Energy Conventer
Electrical Engineering Department, Petra Christian University, Jl. Siwalankerto 121-131, Surabaya, 60234, Indonesia
Informatics Engineering Department, Petra Christian University, Jl. Siwalankerto 121-131, Surabaya, 60234, Indonesia
This paper describes how to design the shape of a floating object that will be used as a point absorber on wave energy converster. The buoyant shape to be analyzed is a tube has a flat top plane with varying bottom plane, i.e cylinder, hemisphare and cone. The analysis was conducted on the diameter of the object and the influence of the ocean wave period on the area where the apparatus was later applied in the southern coast of East Java. Using Moses's software, it is found that the diameter of the body is proportional to the period in which the maximum of Response Amplitude Operator floating object. The object with a flat bottom field (cylinder) produces the largest period, which is 10 s, followed by a curve shape of a hemisphere with a period of 9 s and last with a cone shape cone with a period of at least 8 s. This shows that the curvature of the bottom of the buoyancy can be adjusted according to the wave period to obtain maximum Response Amplitude Operator.
Key words: Point absorber / Wave energy conventer
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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