Issue |
MATEC Web of Conferences
Volume 150, 2018
Malaysia Technical Universities Conference on Engineering and Technology (MUCET 2017)
Article Number | 05084 | |
Number of page(s) | 5 | |
Section | Education, Social Science & Technology Management | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 23 February 2018 |
Emotional Intelligence and Psychological Well-Being among Hearing-Impaired: Does it Relates?
School of Applied Psychology, Social Work and Policy Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah, Malaysia
* Corresponding author:
This paper explores the relationship between emotional intelligence and psychological well-being among hearing-impaired students. Emotional intelligence consists of five dimensions namely intrapersonal, interpersonal, adaptability, stress management and general mood. A total of 130 hearing-impaired students were chosen as participants via simple random sampling at four polytechnics in Malaysia. The Bar-On Emotional Quotient: Short (EQ-i: S) and Ryff‘s Psychological Well-Being instruments were utilised to measure emotional intelligence and psychological well-being. It was found that in general, hearing impaired students have moderate emotional intelligence level and psychological well-being. Results also found that intrapersonal, interpersonal and adaptability dimensions correlated significantly with psychological well-being. No correlations were found between stress management and general mood dimensions with psychological well-being. Though limited by their ability to speak and to hear, emotional intelligence among hearing-impaired students does play a role in enhancing their individual capability to learn and to experience positive psychological well-being in life.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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