Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 138, 2017
The 6th International Conference of Euro Asia Civil Engineering Forum (EACEF 2017)
Article Number | 04006 | |
Number of page(s) | 10 | |
Section | 4-Geotechnical Engineering | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 30 December 2017 |
Stability assessment of enzyme stabilized road embankments
1 Civil Engineering, RMIT University
2 Center for Pavement Excellence Asia Pacific
* Corresponding author:
Road infrastructure is one of the most important factors for a country’s development. The vital role that they play in the present economy is reflected in many kilometres of roads worldwide. The external loads due to recurring traffic loads and geohazards can result in road failures with consequences in terms of economic loss to asset managers, public safety and vehicle damage. Due to such adverse effects of road failures, soil stabilization is being widely used as a preventive measure of road failures since recently. However, the assessment (or design) of stabilized road embankments using current standards assume linear material response and two-dimensional geometric idealization. Such assumptions can lead to non-conservative results, leading the road embankments to fail in long-term mainly due to improper assessments in the designs. The current research investigates the assessment of enzyme based stabilized road embankments under external traffic loads using three-dimensional (3-D) finite element (FE) analysis. Firstly, laboratory tests were conducted to characterize the soil/stabilized soil and to calibrate the numerical models. Then, a series of FE analyses were conducted to investigate the performance of stabilized road embankments under external traffic loads. Results showed that the prediction of required pavement thicknesses using elasto-plastic 3-D modelling could be substantially different in comparison to the results obtained from available standard pavement design tools and 2-D idealization of pavement modelling. The study revealed the importance of considering realistic material performance and load applications during the assessment of pavement design in order to maximize the benefits of enzyme stabilization that can be effective in prevention of the road embankment failures.
Key words: road embankments / enzymes / finite element analysis / traffic loads / pavement design / laboratory tests
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2017
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