Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 125, 2017
21st International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers (CSCC 2017)
Article Number | 05014 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Signal Processing | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 04 October 2017 |
Acoustic Emissions analysis of a four-point bending test on a Reinforced Concrete beam
1 University of Salerno, Department of Civil Engineering, via Giovanni Paolo II, 132 - 84084 Fisciano ( SA), Italy
2 University of Salerno, Department of Industrial Engineering, via Giovanni Paolo II, 132 - 84084 Fisciano ( SA), Italy
* Corresponding author:
Assessment of existing structures by means of non-destructive techniques is an important research topic in modern engineering, because of its potential in estimating structural health status without introducing undesired damage. Among several recognized techniques, Acoustic Emission (AE) analysis is growing interest in the scientific community, since it can be used to detect the initiation of cracking processes, to determine cracking typology and to extract other information from the specimen. In this paper, the authors present the results of a four-point bending test on a Reinforce Concrete (RC) beam, performed at the University of Salerno. The test has been conducted according to a loading protocol characterised by several loading-unloading cycles, and both mechanical and acoustic data have been recorded. The results will be presented in terms of standard AE parameters, commonly adopted in literature, such as Felicity ratio, signal strength and cumulative signal strength, historic index and b value. It will be underlined that these parameters allow to detect interesting moments of the phenomenon (cracking onset and development) and to assess the damage of the structure.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2017
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