Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 106, 2017
International Science Conference SPbWOSCE-2016 “SMART City”
Article Number | 08064 | |
Number of page(s) | 9 | |
Section | 8 Organization and Planning of Construction Works and Municipal Facilities | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 23 May 2017 |
Key Aspects of Development and Personnel Estimation in the Construction Engineering
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Yaroslavskoeshosse, 26, Moscow, 129337, Russia
* Corresponding author:
Personnel estimation is the most effective way to get information about the development level of managerial skills in the construction engineering. From economically justifiable assessment tools, used in the practice of personnel management, with regard to the construction industry it’s more effectively to combine two tools: assessment center and 360-degree assessment. The use of these assessment tools enables the system research of organizational behavior due to the specifics of business processes is most important in the construction engineering. The complete and maximally objective presentation about the development level of managerial skills for leaders is not only the most important factor in personnel management in the construction engineering, but also how these managerial skills are implemented in organizational behavior as a whole, as the development of managerial competencies in the construction engineering takes into account the system of object relations formed in the organizational environment. The system approach to the heads personnel estimation in the construction engineering can be implemented through the improvement of assessment tools: the use of psychoanalytic approach in the development of content assessment and interpretation of its results.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2017
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