Issue |
MATEC Web Conf.
Volume 103, 2017
International Symposium on Civil and Environmental Engineering 2016 (ISCEE 2016)
Article Number | 08004 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
Section | Traffic Behaviour and Road Safety Engineering | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 05 April 2017 |
Comparison of Traffic Speed Before, During and After “Banci Lalu Lintas” at Federal Road ft005
Department of Infrastructure and Geomatic Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia
* Corresponding author:
Traffic engineering uses engineering methods and techniques to achieve the safe and time efficient movement of people and goods on roadways and it depends on traffic flow. The three main parameters of a traffic flow are volume, speed and density. Speed is an important transportation consideration because it relates to safety, time, comfort, convenience, and economics. This study is to show the difference of traffic speed for before, during and after a primary traffic survey called “Banci Lalu Lintas”. This study also is conducted at Federal Road FT005 with collaboration of Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR). In achieving the goal for this study, traffic speed is recorded by using two methods which are manual method and Automatic Traffic Count (ATC). For before and after the survey, manual method is used and the data is collected for 15 minutes, while during the survey, ATC is used in collecting data for 24 hours per day in a week. The data obtained where the mean speed is recorded and is compared as well as analyzed between three categories which are before, during and after “Banci Lalu Lintas” and using statistical analysis. In result, the speed of vehicles for during the survey is the lowest compared to before and after survey where the differential percentage are 6.68% and 23.64% for before – during and during – after “Banci Lalu Lintas”. The study concluded that drivers tend to decrease their vehicles speed when there is an event or unexpected conditions on the road. The result is important for future development and safety of road in Malaysia.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2017
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