Issue |
MATEC Web of Conferences
Volume 53, 2016
International Scientific Conference Week of Science in SPbPU – Civil Engineering (SPbWOSCE-2015)
Article Number | 01064 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Engineering and Technology | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 April 2016 |
The Use of Design Models of Wind-Electric Set with a Horizontal Axis of Rotation of the Wind Wheel for Dynamic Calculations at Urban Development
St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University, P29 Polytechnicheskaya st., St.Petersburg, 195251, Russian Federation
a Corresponding author:
The issues of modern urban development raise a significant question about an environmental cleanliness of progressing cities. Energy sources which are running on fuel cause tremendous harm to the atmosphere. Therefore, special attention is paid to the rational use of natural renewable resources such as wind and solar energy. Wind-electric sets, or wind turbines, are able to work autonomously, which is also important for the development of modern “smart” cities. Currently, the most commonly used design of wind turbines is the system which has the form of a tower of circular cross section (also called pipe), which carries at the upper end a nacelle with wind wheel. When such a system is being designed in urban conditions the wind pulsation and seismic calculations are added to the standard calculations. These added calculations are dynamic loads. It is known that in the process of solution of dynamic tasks design models of various levels of approximation can be used. It occurs due to stages of the design and other factors. The question of errors, which are associated with the use of a dissected, or partitioned, design scheme, raises.
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