Issue |
MATEC Web of Conferences
Volume 35, 2015
2015 4th International Conference on Mechanics and Control Engineering (ICMCE 2015)
Article Number | 07003 | |
Number of page(s) | 3 | |
Section | Applied mechanics | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 16 December 2015 |
Application of Large Eddy Simulation in the process of the Multi-Physics Field Coupling in a Combustion Chamber
1 Shenyang Aerospace University, Aero-Engine Numerical Simulation Laboratory, Shenyang, China
2 Jinan Diesel Engine Co.,Ltd, No. 11966 JingShi Street, ChangQing District, Jinan, China
a Corresponding author:
Numerical simulation is the main method to solve turbulence problems. As one of the three methods which are commonly used in large-eddy simulation model (LES) is the most effective and promising research method. The basic idea of large-eddy simulation is that the large scale turbulent motion is directly simulated and we use the sub-grid scale model to simulate small-scale turbulent motion. Continuing alternative load exists in aero-engine combustion chamber during operation. This coupling phenomenon is an important reason to the combustion chamber fatigue failure. In this paper, the large-eddy simulation methods are described and applied in researching aero-engine combustion chamber multi-physics field coupling analysis. By comparing with the experimental results we verify the feasibility of this method and there is great significance of actual project.
Key words: Large Eddy Simulation / turbulence / Combustion Chamber / Multi-Physics Field Coupling / FEM
© Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015
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