Issue |
MATEC Web of Conferences
Volume 11, 2014
International Congress on Materials & Structural Stability
Article Number | 03011 | |
Number of page(s) | 5 | |
Section | Geotechnical & Environmental | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 28 April 2014 |
Assessment of the Swelling Pressure of the Green Clay of Tangier (Morocco) Compared with the Soil-Moisture Conditions
Mohammed V-Agdal University, Mohammadia Engineering School, 3GIE Laboratory, Rabat, Morocco
The swelling phenomenon appears seriously when changing the soil-moisture conditions. The swelling pressure induced by the expansive soil can causes unfavourable problems or instability for the civil structures. So, understanding the soil behavior is considered a valuable work for engineers and consultants in the geotechnical and civil engineering sectors. In reality, the assessment of the swelling pressure of expansive soil depends, first of all, of test conditions related to the change of soil-moisture, as it happens, the influence of the combination “loading-start wetting” and also the unloading process after saturation. To this end, we establish an experimental study on the green clay of Tangier to evaluate the swelling pressure by using oedometer apparatus. Secondly, attention is bore to the combination “initial water content-dry density”, another factor related to the change of the soil-moisture, to show the influence of initial state condition on the swelling pressure.
© Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2014
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