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Cited article:

Fatigue Assessment of Twin Wire Arc Sprayed and Machine Hammer-Peened ZnAl4 Coatings on S355 JRC+C Substrate

Michael P. Milz, Andreas Wirtz, Mohamed Abdulgader, Dirk Biermann, Wolfgang Tillmann and Frank Walther
Materials 15 (3) 1182 (2022)

Corrosion Fatigue Behavior of Twin Wire Arc Sprayed and Machine Hammer Peened ZnAl4 Coatings on S355 J2C + C Substrate

Michael P. Milz, Andreas Wirtz, Mohamed Abdulgader, Anke Kalenborn, Dirk Biermann, Wolfgang Tillmann and Frank Walther
Corrosion and Materials Degradation 3 (1) 127 (2022)

The Effect of Argon as Atomization Gas on the Microstructure, Machine Hammer Peening Post-Treatment, and Corrosion Behavior of Twin Wire Arc Sprayed (TWAS) ZnAl4 Coatings

Wolfgang Tillmann, Mohamed Abdulgader, Andreas Wirtz, Michael P. Milz, Dirk Biermann and Frank Walther
Coatings 12 (1) 32 (2021)