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Intelligent Solutions for Cities and Mobility of the Future
Sergey Vakulenko, Peter Kurenkov, Grigoriy Deruzhinskiy, et al. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Intelligent Solutions for Cities and Mobility of the Future 352 61 (2022)
Information integration efficiency in ports and port stations transport service
Quality Assessment of Management Decisions in the System of Marketing and Public Relations of a Transport Enterprise
Natalia Reshetko, Anastasia Safronova, Sergey Vakulenko, Petr Kurenkov and Alla Sokolova Transportation Research Procedia 54 380 (2021)
Analysis of marketing efficiency on the example of Faraday future (Manufacturer of electronic machines)
Anna Kurbatova, Petr Kurenkov, Anastasia Safronova and Iulia Tanaino IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 403(1) 012231 (2019)