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XXX Russian-Polish-Slovak Seminar Theoretical Foundation of Civil Engineering (RSP 2021)

T. Bobyleva and A. Shamaev
Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, XXX Russian-Polish-Slovak Seminar Theoretical Foundation of Civil Engineering (RSP 2021) 189 20 (2022)

Effective modules of a layered elastic creep medium with power creep kernels

T N Bobyleva and A S Shamaev
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 913 (3) 032059 (2020)

Effective Characteristics of a Layered Hollow Cylindrical Body of Elastic Creeping Materials

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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 661 (1) 012020 (2019)

Various ways to build effective characteristics for a pipe made of a layered composite material

Tatiana Bobyleva, Alexey Shamaev, A. Volkov, et al.
E3S Web of Conferences 97 02027 (2019)

Some methods for calculating and optimizing the characteristics of rods made of composite materials

Tatiana Bobyleva, Alexey Shamaev and A. Mottaeva
E3S Web of Conferences 138 01035 (2019)

Analytical representation for the problem of a loaded hollow layered cylinder taking into account the creep of its layers

T N Bobyleva and A S Shamaev
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1425 (1) 012108 (2019)

Calculation methods and problems of optimizing the effective characteristics of rods made of composite materials

T N Bobyleva and A S Shamaev
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1425 (1) 012148 (2019)