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XV International Scientific Conference “INTERAGROMASH 2022”

Natalia Kataeva, Alexey Sysolyatin, Yuriy Bakrunov and Darya Starkova
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, XV International Scientific Conference “INTERAGROMASH 2022” 575 116 (2023)

The concept of sustainable development environmental aspects and project approach

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Reforestation in the Kirov region as an indicator of regional environmental risks

Natalia Kataeva, Alexey Sysolyatin, Darya Starkova, Andrey Mokhov and V. Breskich
E3S Web of Conferences 217 10008 (2020)

Current issues of diagnostics and development of the organization in the field of project management

Natalia Kataeva, Darya Starkova, Alexey Sysolyatin, et al.
E3S Web of Conferences 164 10034 (2020)