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Multi-criteria decision making for better quality indicators in µ-EDM using TiN-coated WC electrode
Phan Huu Nguyen, Shailesh Shirguppikar, Muthuramalingam Thangaraj and Dua Tran Van Materials and Manufacturing Processes 39(15) 2218 (2024)
Influence of carbon coated WC electrode on drilling measures of Ti–6Al–4V alloy in µ - EDM process
Influence of graphene coating in electrical discharge machining with an aluminum electrode
Dong Pham Van, Shailesh Shirguppikar, Phan Nguyen Huu, Muthuramalingam Thangaraj, Thanh Le Thi Phuong, Ly Nguyen Trong and Vaibhav Ganachari Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Materials 32(1) (2023)
Multi-objects optimization in μ-EDM using AlCrN coated tungsten carbide electrode by Deng's method
Dong Pham Van, Shailesh Shirguppikar, Phan Nguyen Huu, Minh Nguyen Duc, Tai Bui Tien, Thanh Le Thi Phuong and Ly Nguyen Trong Manufacturing Review 9 19 (2022)