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The analysis of performance before and after ERP implementation: a case of a manufacturing company
Muhammad Ahmed Kalwar, Muhammad Ali Khan, Zuhaib Phul, et al. Journal of Applied Research in Technology & Engineering 3(2) 115 (2022)
Analysis of the digital technology impact in the mining and metallurgical companies
Slavica Miletić, Dejan Bogdanović, Miroslav Ignjatović, Zdenka Stanojević-Šimšić and Ana Kostov Mining and Metallurgy Engineering Bor (1-2) 43 (2021)
The Relationship Between Ontology and Modelling Concepts
Mona von Rosing, Maxim Arzumanyan and John A. Zachman Sr. International Journal of Conceptual Structures and Smart Applications 5(1) 25 (2017)