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Improving the Properties of Porous Geopolymers Based on TPP Ash and Slag Waste by Adjusting Their Chemical Composition
Elena A. Yatsenko, Boris M. Goltsman, Sergei V. Trofimov, Viktor M. Kurdashov, Yuri V. Novikov, Victoria A. Smoliy, Anna V. Ryabova and Lyudmila V. Klimova Materials 15(7) 2587 (2022)
Modification of fly ash physicochemical properties for using in dispersionhardened bitumen-based pavement
V. N. Lukashevich, O. D. Lukashevich and R. I. Mokshin Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo arkhitekturno-stroitel'nogo universiteta. JOURNAL of Construction and Architecture 24(6) 160 (2022)
Reclamation of landfills and dumps of municipal solid waste in a energy efficient waste management system: methodology and practice