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Drawbar Performance of Tractor Tyres with Steel Spikes At 100%-Wheel Slip
Rudolf Abrahám, Tomáš Zubčák, Radoslav Majdan, Katarína Kollárová, Eva Matejková, Soňa Masarovičová and Róbert Drlička Acta Technologica Agriculturae 25(2) 97 (2022)
Data Acquisition System for On-the-Go Soil Resistance Force Sensor Using Soil Cutting Blades
Vladimír Cviklovič, Miroslav Mojžiš, Radoslav Majdan, Katarína Kollárová, Zdenko Tkáč, Rudolf Abrahám and Soňa Masarovičová Sensors 22(14) 5301 (2022)