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Cited article:

The Numerical Diffusion Effect on the CFD Simulation Accuracy of Velocity and Temperature Field for the Application of Sustainable Architecture Methodology

Vladimíra Michalcová and Kamila Kotrasová
Sustainability 12 (23) 10173 (2020)

The study of the numerical diffusion in computational calculation

Kamila Kotrasova, Vladimira Michalcova, K. Kotrasová, E. Kormaníková and S. Kmeť
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Determination of Pressure Coefficient for a High-Rise Building with Atypical Ground Plan

Soňa Medvecká, Ol’ga Ivánková, Marek Macák and Vladimíra Michalcová
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Pressure Coefficients Acting Upon the Cylinder Obtained by Numerical and Experimental Analysis

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Civil and Environmental Engineering 13 (2) 149 (2017)