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Boosting Productivity of Laser Powder Bed Fusion for AlSi10Mg
Silvio Defanti, Camilla Cappelletti, Andrea Gatto, Emanuele Tognoli and Fabrizio Fabbri Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing 6(5) 112 (2022)
A comprehensive review on the effect of process parameters and post-process treatments on microstructure and mechanical properties of selective laser melting of AlSi10Mg
A physically-based computational approach for processing-microstructure-property linkage of materials additively manufactured by laser powder bed fusion
Varvara Romanova, Mohammad Sadegh Mohebbi, Ekaterina Dymnich, Ruslan Balokhonov and Vasily Ploshikhin International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 219 107103 (2022)
Estimating fine melt pool, coarse melt pool, and heat affected zone effects on the strengths of additive manufactured AlSi10Mg alloys