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Cited article:

Cost-effectiveness analysis of tank and base foundation diagnostics without paintwork removal

Petr Chepur, Aleksandr Tarasenko, Vadim Krivorotov, et al.
MATEC Web of Conferences 265 07005 (2019)

Analysis of the economic efficiency of major repairs of the tank foundation by the displacement method

Aleksandr Tarasenko, Petr Chepur, Evgeniy Tikhanov, et al.
MATEC Web of Conferences 265 07004 (2019)

Determination of the region of the limiting states occurrence in RVS-20000 with the subsidence of the external bottom contour

P.V. Chepur, A.A. Tarasenko, A.A. Gruchenkova, A.D. Abramov and V. Murgul
MATEC Web of Conferences 239 06002 (2018)

Estimation of the influence of a defect on the operational suitability of a pipeline

A.A. Tarasenko, P.V. Chepur, A.A. Gruchenkova, A.D. Abramov and V. Murgul
MATEC Web of Conferences 239 06001 (2018)

Analysis of the stress-strain state of a tank in case of irregular subsidence along the periphery

Petr Chepur, Aleksandr Tarasenko, Alesya Gruchenkova, et al.
MATEC Web of Conferences 239 06005 (2018)

Analysis of the stress-strain state of the process pipeline to tank junction in case of subsidence

Aleksandr Tarasenko, Petr Chepur, Alesya Gruchenkova, A.D. Abramov and V. Murgul
MATEC Web of Conferences 239 06004 (2018)

International Scientific Conference Energy Management of Municipal Transportation Facilities and Transport EMMFT 2017

Alexander Tarasenko, Petr Chepur and Alesya Gruchenkova
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, International Scientific Conference Energy Management of Municipal Transportation Facilities and Transport EMMFT 2017 692 962 (2018)

Numerical analysis of the cylindrical rigidity of the vertical steel tank shell

Sergey Chirkov, Alexander Tarasenko and Petr Chepur
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 90 012102 (2017)

Joint Deformation of Metal Structures in the Tank and Gas Equalizing System while Base Settlement Progressing

Alexandr Tarasenko, Alesya Gruchenkova and Petr Chepur
Procedia Engineering 165 1125 (2016)