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Thermal Hazard and Smoke Toxicity Assessment of Building Polymers Incorporating TGA and FTIR—Integrated Cone Calorimeter Arrangement
Preety Moni Doley, Anthony Chun Yin Yuen, Imrana Kabir, Luzhe Liu, Cheng Wang, Timothy Bo Yuan Chen and Guan Heng Yeoh Fire 5(5) 139 (2022)
Evaluating the fire risk associated with cladding panels: An overview of fire incidents, policies, and future perspective in fire standards
Anthony Chun Yin Yuen, Timothy Bo Yuan Chen, Ao Li, Ivan Miguel De Cachinho Cordeiro, Luzhe Liu, Hengrui Liu, Anson Lok Pui Lo, Qing Nian Chan and Guan Heng Yeoh Fire and Materials 45(5) 663 (2021)
Towards a better understanding of fire performance assessment of façade systems: Current situation and a proposed new assessment framework
M.S. McLaggan, J.P. Hidalgo, A.F. Osorio, M.T. Heitzmann, J. Carrascal, D. Lange, C. Maluk and J.L. Torero Construction and Building Materials 300 124301 (2021)
Smoking in apartment buildings – Spatiality, meanings and understandings