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Cited article:

Investigation on the Tensile and Compressional Behavior of Inconel 625 Fabricated through Laser Powder Bed Fusion

Sina Salemi and H. R. Javidrad
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 30 (5) 3761 (2021)

Analysis of As-Built Microstructures and Recrystallization Phenomena on Inconel 625 Alloy Obtained via Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF)

Thibaut De Terris, Olivier Castelnau, Zehoua Hadjem-Hamouche, Halim Haddadi, Vincent Michel and Patrice Peyre
Metals 11 (4) 619 (2021)

Elevated temperature mechanical behavior of IN625 alloy processed by laser powder-bed fusion

Alena Kreitcberg, Vladimir Brailovski and Sylvain Turenne
Materials Science and Engineering: A 700 540 (2017)