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Quantitative Precipitate Classification and Grain Boundary Property Control in Co/Ni-Base Superalloys
T. P. McAuliffe, I. Bantounas, L. R. Reynolds, A. Foden, M. C. Hardy, T. B. Britton and D. Dye Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 52(5) 1649 (2021)
Microstructures and properties of a novel γ′-strengthened multi-component CoNi-based wrought superalloy designed by CALPHAD method
Thermogravimetric Investigations of Novel γ–γ′ Co-Al-W and Co-Al-Mo-Nb Cobalt-Based Superalloys
Grzegorz Moskal, Damian Migas, Dawid Niemiec and Agnieszka Tomaszewska Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology 141(4) 041008 (2019)
The grain boundary pinning effect of the μ phase in an advanced polycrystalline γ/γ′ Co-base superalloy
High-Temperature Oxidation Behavior of a Novel Co-Base Superalloy
Stéphane A. J. Forsik, Alberto O. Polar Rosas, Tao Wang, Gian A. Colombo, Ning Zhou, Samuel J. Kernion and Mario E. Epler Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 49(9) 4058 (2018)
Segregation assisted microtwinning during creep of a polycrystalline L12-hardened Co-base superalloy
High resolution energy dispersive spectroscopy mapping of planar defects in L12-containing Co-base superalloys
Michael S. Titus, Alessandro Mottura, G. Babu Viswanathan, Akane Suzuki, Michael J. Mills and Tresa M. Pollock Acta Materialia 89 423 (2015)